About Me

At 40 I closed the door on a successful career as South African trade adviser and diplomat to continue my life-long interest in the esoteric arts and holistic counseling. In parallel, I established a freelance copywriting business to afford me the financial freedom to pursue this goal.
I noted a strong correlation and cross-mapping of the world’s foremost systems of divination (astrology, numerology, tarot and runes) which I had studied since the age of 20. Due to my Scottish (Celtic) ancestry, runes resonated most strongly with me. While under the apprenticeship of African shaman and healer, Dr. Totana Khamini, I discovered that rune symbols are not exclusively Nordic and that archetypal energy signatures may be perceived by initiates irrespective of cultural background.
At the close of 1999, I participated at the Parliament of World Religions. This multicultural event assembled the world’s spiritual leaders in Cape Town in the interest of inter-denominational unification. Cape Town, with its dramatic mountain and ocean scenery, has a decidedly spiritual aura and is reputed to be an important earth chakra centre. This is where I made my home for twenty years.
My articles1, including a rune column, featured in several esoteric magazine titles in South Africa. I’ve delivered talks at countrywide chapters of the Theosophical Society and was invited as a keynote speaker to two national holistic fairs. Kfm Talk Radio interviewed me and SATV aired three independent mini-documentaries on my work. I consult privately and hold workshops on ancient symbols, divinatory systems, and sound symbolism — as tools for unlocking lateral thinking.
I have published a ground-breaking handbook on rune symbolism and am currently researching the premise of a primal mother tongue whose origins are still evident in the phonemes of major languages across the globe. Revealing this cross-cultural interconnectivity, will, I hope, serve to bring the peoples of humanity closer together in the knowledge of our shared roots.
1 Chi; Channellings; Namaste; Odyssey

Revered Zulu shaman and healer, Baba Credo Mutwa, at age 96 in 2017, with his wife Mama Virginia – at their home in Kuruman, South Africa – holding a rune set customized and gifted by me.